The network glorifies God by championing church planting in the western United States.

  • We Discover Church Planters by actively recruiting individuals who are called to the ministry of planting churches. We are always in a position of praying to the Father to send workers to the harvest (Luke 10). We identify success indicators for potential church planters. We create awareness by going to seminaries, campus ministries, churches and meeting with and following up with prospective planters. Once we pre-assess a candidate we enroll them in the assessment process.


We exist to serve church-planting churches through recruiting, equipping, funding, and prayer. Aspen Grove Church Planting Network is a church planting organization in the Presbytery of the West.

  • We Develop Church Planters by mentoring and coaching them in church planting knowledge, ministry skills, and most importantly, Biblical character-building qualities:

    Living and leading by love, using the gospel to shape character, staying close and sensitive to God, embracing trials and resisting temptations, developing mature and wise decision making, using the gospel to redeem core issues and limiting beliefs.

  • We Deploy Church Planters by sending them to specific context to begin their planting activities. We continue to pastor and lead them in ways to grow a thriving local body of believers.

Featured Church Planters

Rem and Laura Dyas

Grace Lakin Church, Lakin, KS

Rem (short for Remington) Dyas was born in Springfield, Illinois and from there moved all around as a pastor’s kid.  At one point his family moved to Leoti, KS where he attended High School. After graduating, he attended Greenville College, double majoring in youth ministry and coaching. During his sophomore year at Greenville College, he married his high school sweetheart, Laura Berning (born and raised in Leoti, KS). He also started working part-time at a church in Hillsboro, Illinois as their youth pastor.  After graduating, the church hired him full-time and he lived and served in Hillsboro as their youth pastor for eleven years. Rem and Laura, along with their 5 children (Gavin, Owen, Ellie, Asher, and Hadley) moved to Lakin in 2021 to follow God’s calling to plant a church in Lakin.  Rem helps coach Lakin High Schools cross country and track teams. The community at Grace Lakin is incredibly excited to have Rem and his family as part of our church.

Thomas and Amy Warmath

All Souls Church, SLC, UT

Rick and Katie Schaeffer

All Souls Neighborhood Church - Phoenix, AZ

 All Souls Church of Salt Lake seeks to be a community whose shared life of discipleship and worship welcomes friends who don’t know Jesus to encounter him. All Souls is a bivocational ministry, in which we see all of our members as being called to participate in the mission and ministry of Christ’s church as they live and work in Salt Lake. Thomas and Amy moved to Salt Lake City in 2014 for Thomas to serve as an assistant pastor at New Song Presbyterian Church. Prior to that Thomas was an assistant pastor at a church plant in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and attended Redeemer Seminary. Thomas and Amy were married in 2009 and have two children, Heidi (age 5) and Alex (age 3) as well as Hugo, a golden retriever. Thomas is the CEO of La Barba Coffee and enjoys cooking, baking, running, and the mountains around Salt Lake.

Mark and Stacey Grapengater

The Table Project, Denver, CO

The Table Project exists to provide a seat at the table of God's grace. Our mission is to invite people into a relationship with Christ and form a community that worships and serves together. Mark is originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, attended Kansas State University and received his M. Div. from North Park Theological Seminary. Mark and Stacey met in St. Louis in 2010. After spending 5 years as an Assistant Pastor in Decatur, GA, they, along with their two children, Michael and Evelyn, moved to Denver in August 2018. Mark enjoys all things gastronomic, but especially BBQ, bourbon, pork, and sourdough bread.

  • “Aspen Grove's assessment process enabled me to clarify and confirm my call. The assessment allowed me to see my weaknesses in ministry and how they can be turned into gospel strengths in my call to my city. Also, the network has supplied coaching, encouragement, and prayer support during difficult times in my call.”

    Church planter in Kansas

  • “Because I was planting a non-conventional church, it was important to me to do this work within a supportive denomination and in connection with other churches. Aspen Grove facilitated my entrance to the EPC and has helped me build meaningful connections with other churches and church planters.”

    Church planter in Utah

  • “After nearly a decade of ministry in the EPC, I can safely say that no presbytery ministry has provided a more crucial, fruitful, or beautiful role in the life of my congregation than Aspen Grove Church Planting Network. Aspen Grove supported our vision for a church plant from conception to birth, provided expert coaching, wise adaptation to our context, and strong counsel, support, and boots on the ground to make sure that our plant, at multiple crucial stages, not only survived but thrived.”

    Former Care of Candidates Chair, Presbytery of the West